Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Vision Robotics-Megan Mullet

The technology I found is related specifically to harvesting oranges and apples. The machine consists of two robots-one that uses vision to scan and identify oranges (or apples) in the grove. This robot records information about the oranges (or apples) such as the positions and sizes. Then the other robot having eight arms picks the oranges (or apples) quickly and efficiently. This machine would save the farmer quite a bit of money because labor is becoming very expensive (especially the labor that requires physical work). The machine would also be able to provide data for the farmer. Lately our country and others have seen many food recalls that trace back to produce. By recording information while the produce is being picked, it might make it easier to trace the problem back to the contamination faster with fewer people getting sick. I know that the recalls have not been related to apples or oranges but could this machine be implemented with other produce?
Another route I can see this machine going is to seed corn. This would relate more to our part of the country. There is a farm back home (Dull Homestead) that currently hires around 100 kids (ages 14-20ish) during the summer to de-tassel their corn. I went to school with a few of the boys from this farm and I know that they have difficulty finding good workers. No one really wants to walk through a field when it is 90 degrees are hotter and pull tassels off of the corn. This machine could be something that seed corn farmers should look into for future utilization. For more information visit this website: http://blogs.spectrum.ieee.org/automaton/topics/agricultural_robotics/

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