Sunday, May 31, 2009

TECA Works to Bring Agricultural Technology to the World [Tara Milliken]

TECA is a Food and Agricultural Organization for the United Nations, and its aim is to provide access to information about available proven technologies in agriculture, livestock, fisheries, and forestry, which contributes to food security, poverty alleviation, and sustainable devlopment. While TECA contains many articles surrounding technology in the field of agriculture in its own right, the purpose of my blog is to elaborate on how this website functions to bring crucial information to small farmers around the world. The fact that smaller, less stable countries now are being provided with the opportunity to access this resource is a significant step in ending world hunger and coping with a booming population.

TECA is striving to provide others with reliable and proven technologies, and a shared database on the website makes it easily accessible to others around the world. TECA works under the following guiding principles:

  • The validation of technologies facilitates their dissemination, adaptation and adoption across broadly similar biophysical, social economic and human environments and farming systems.
  • Technologies must be economically and socially acceptable, easily adaptable to the biophysical environment and environmentally friendly.

So often we only consider how technologies is impacting agriculture in our own country, but this initiative explains how it is helping to create more stability around the globe. TECA is another example of how agriculture is quickly becoming even more globalized through the use of technology. To view this website and learn more about TECA and its mission visit

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